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Report Animal Cruelty

Animal cruelty is a crime

If you witness an animal being abused or neglected, the most important action you can take is to report the animal cruelty to your local law enforcement agency. By doing so you are not only helping the animal, you are helping your community; people who commit crimes against animals are five times more likely to be involved in violent crimes against humans.

What to do if you witness animal cruelty

Call 911 immediately: Your call may save a life. It is possible to remain anonymous if necessary.

Document with photos/videos if possible: Video and photography can be extremely useful in investigating and prosecuting crimes against animals. It is very helpful if your camera records a time and date stamp on each photo. Only attempt to document with photos or video if you can do so safely and legally.

Record a written log: Keep a written log of any incidents you witness with the date and time clearly noted. This can be especially important for ongoing issues. Record each time you have contacted authorities asking them to respond and the outcome. Be clear, factual and unemotional in your reports. If you know of any other people who have witnessed the crime, ask them to also call the authorities and write a report of what they have witnessed.

*If you are not comfortable with contacting law enforcement, please fill out our cruelty report form and we will be in contact with you.